Step by step guide to manage funance

Step by step guide to manage funance

Step by step guide to manage funance

Shop smarter and get rewarded! Earn cashback and exclusive deals every time

Shop smarter and get rewarded! Earn cashback and exclusive deals every time

Account Management

Account Management

Easy access to balances, transactions, and statements

Easy access to balances, transactions, and statements

Cards balance



Trusted by

254k+ Users



Ratings from 48k+ Users

Loan & Credit Services

Shop smarter and get rewarded! Earn cashback and exclusive deals every time

Main USD account

1,486 USD


Main EUR account

2,598 EUR


Main CZK account

782.06 CZK


Awesome deals with pro features

Online applications for loans, credit cards, and mortgages

Receive 10% Cashback

Upgrade your subscription to get more exciting discount plan from world’s top brand

Track your finance with ease

Quick money transfers, bill payments, and mobile deposits

Monthly Expenses

You’re using 80% of available budgets.



You’ve almost reached your limit

You have used 80% of your available spots. Upgrade your budget plan.

Monthly Expenses

You’re using 80% of available budgets.



You’ve almost reached your limit

You have used 80% of your available spots. Upgrade your budget plan.